Georgian National Tourism Administration

Вид деятельности: Управление/совет по туризму/ТИЦ
Страна: Грузия
Город: Тбилиси
Адрес: 4 Sanapiro Street. 0105, Tbilisi, Georgia
Телефон: +9 (953) 224-36-99

Our mission

Our work is to actively implement state policy to increase awareness about Georgia’s tourism sector on the global playing field. This involves stimulating the growth of inbound and domestic tourism, assisting in the creation of a friendly environment for tourism related business, boosting competitiveness of the country in the international tourism market, promoting our welcoming country image and forging the development of a powerful brand. With these objectives in mind, we have outlined the following as our priorities:

  • The promotion of Georgia as a tourist destination through various marketing activities such as exhibitions, press tours, advertising campaigns, etc.
  • The development of skilled human resources in order to improve the quality of customer service in the sector.
  • The packaging of natural and cultural tourist attractions as tourist products.
  • The development of a tourism infrastructure throughout the country.
  • The development of high tourism product standards
  • Encouraging competitiveness through the compliance of fair product pricing and quality.

What we do
Tourism is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing fields in Georgia. The number of international visitors increases every year. Tourism in Georgia is regarded as the priority for the economic development. The main goals and objectives of the Georgian National Tourism Administration are to develop country’s image and promote as the tourism destination worldwide. For this purpose, the Administration actively participates in various countries at the tourism fairs and exhibitions, where the visitors are provided with potential. With the initiative of the Administration introductory tours for foreign journalists are frequently organized, in which media representatives visit the different regions of Georgia. The Administration is also actively engaged in promotion of domestic tourism issues implementing various projects.

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